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what can i do pastor
Goodday pastor,
                    i want to say a big thank you for the awesome things God is doing through you & i used to have this challenges i do see great things in the dreams but it hardly or never manifest in the physical please sir what can i do?
                                                                                   THANK YOU
(02-10-2017, 11:27 AM)paul Wrote: .
Prophet Ebankole

[Image: 728x90.gif]
(02-10-2017, 11:27 AM)paul Wrote: Goodday pastor,
                    i want to say a big thank you for the awesome things God is doing through you & i used to have this challenges i do see great things in the dreams but it hardly or never manifest in the physical please sir what can i do?
                                                                                   THANK YOU

..then pray for physical manifestation. But remember and keep in mind that there is time for everything under the sun ( as it may not be your appointed ( God's )time yet, and whatever you see pastor doing today wasn't prophesied 1year ago but over a decade. Meaning, the reality of what you see me doing now was told over a decade ago,came to pass 12years or so later

What does that mean? God appointed time is not man's appointed time.

Bless u
Prophet Ebankole

[Image: 728x90.gif]